DrAyBeR Always Available at Your Service

DrAyBeR always available if you need assistance, support and any inquiry about taxi's, tourist, rental transportation and booking services. You always welcome to support all your needs and requirements when it comes to transport and bookinga app.


More questions and inquiries, don't be hesitate to contact us any time you need to our direct contact number or send you message to our direct emails. We will give you a quick response to your email.

DrAyBeR booking app, originally from Philippines ideas as for tourist and rental transport purposes.


DrAyBeR has been developed specially for taxi's, tourist rides and rental transport mobile booking app for any types of transportation use for individual, public, private, companies, schools, government agencies and many purposes, to make it easy and find transport requirement from their own mobile as we have trend today using mobile apps. We would like to offer our taxi's, tourist rides and rental transport and booking app.

DrAyBeR with more professional, engineers, and non-professional workforce operating for transport booking services, engagement and dealing with other partners,  taxi's company, cooperatives, associations, corporations,  other companies, and other rental transport businesses.


Studied and researched for the safety and security of the riders, drivers were the first concerned, planning and developing before implementing for this booking app for the public usage, this time of transportation traffic and crisis.

Most popular

Top Reasons Why Choose Us!


Our vision is to be a leading transport and booking app for taxi's, rental and tourist for all types of vehicles. We are continuously improve our services by means of innovation, assistance and online support and to be a widest network with partners around the country.


Engaged in taxi's, rental and tourist transportation with more partners, companies, cooperative, corporation, travel & tours, private companies, government agencies for transport modernization using new technology to help tansportation needs to speed up communication how to find transport without leaving homes, offices, stablishment with safety and security for public, trourist, driver and renter.


DrAyBeR Air and Water are our most ambitious vision for the near future and would take to the water and sky to avoid crowded traffic on the ground and meet the expected time to reach your place without delay.


1. Our company is constantly evolving and growing. We provide wide range of services. Our mission is to provide best solution that helps everyone.


2. Build innovative ways to increase productivity and beneficial to the taxi's, tourist, rental transportation and users requirement, provide the best solution that helps everyone.
3. Build economic capacity to all drivers, operators and partners to improve transportation modernization using mobile with DrAyBeR app.


4. Promote new technology for advancement of transportation tools using DrAyBeR booking app in real time with recorded data and transaction that can review all history report when required.


5. Provide safety and security using DrAyBeR app with fleet management and monitoring system, gender matching selection, OTP code for matching  with the users and drivers, SOS is to call direct to DrAyBeR's helpdesk and support for emergency, sending email direct from DrAyBeR's app for any issues and complaints.


6. Provide easy way how to communicate with the driver to get transportation for Taxi's, tourist and rental tranport use purposes using DrAyBeR app.

Book your car

DrAyBeR is a mobile online booking apps to serve the public, the user can be booked easily via online or mobile apps in real time from their own mobile to resolve the transport issues. How to find taxi, transport rental, pickup & delivery, travel anywhere you want as personal or for family use for your transport requirements like moving or transferring your items to another place and many more purposes.


Sometimes it is not easy to find your transport needs, but now DrAyBeR is here to welcome you and serve you with your convenient to book from your own palm and find it, DrAyBeR will accept who is the available nearest from your pickup point and driver will pick you up from your door step.


​That’s what we set out to do. We know how important it is to your plan of your journey, worry free, but to be a joy. Talk to us and we’ll make sure you get the results you’re after, including guaranteed quality service at an affordable price.